In the timeless tapestry of existence, Shakti, the formless energy of creation in Hindu lore, dances across the cosmos. The Bible and Quran sing praise of a similar cosmic architect. Sikh Gurus, with reverence, speak of 'Rabh,' while Buddhist whispers name it Tara or the great Brahma. Through epochs and scriptures, a harmonious tale unfolds, each era painting a portrait of the same cosmic artisan crafting the universe's intricate design.
This is an art piece I created long ago. I was reading about a version of Vishnu called the Karnodakshayi Vishnu, believed to exist outside our universe. He is thought to be the overseer of the multiverse. The idea that ancient people talk about the multiverse and how there is a trinity for the multiverse was the inspiration behind my first two artworks. This is the third one. It's more like a revival post for my unattended account."



